Colorado Columbines

Colorado Winnebago Columbines

Denver Museum of Nature & Science – Jan 13, 2023

Apollo Exhibit

Nineteen Columbines met at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science for the “Apollo: When We Went to the Moon” exhibit on Jan 13th. We socialized in the foyer before entering the T-Rex Café for lunch.

Members at exhibition

After lunch we toured the Apollo exhibit reliving the space race of our youth and the 1969 landing on the moon.

Walking on the moon

The exhibition described the space race from the Russian launch of Sputnik, thru the various US space programs and their scientific advances that led to the Apollo 11 mission to land a man on the moon. 

Lunar Rover

Do you remember where you were during the heart stopping moments of the descent and watching our astronauts walk on the moon? 


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