Among the many incredible opportunities RV travel affords, the ability to traverse North America together as a family unit may top them all. Forget boarding the pets or saying goodbye to the Mrs. to hop on a flight -- in an RV, the entire crew can all roll together.

If you're a fellow entrepreneur booking gigs in all corners of the country, I'm convinced there's no better way to travel than by RV. Mixed amongst the necessary projects and virtual meetings are scenic drives on winding mountainside roads, hikes through National Parks, and stops at seaside dog-friendly beaches. At times, it can be quite the charmed lifestyle!

But in the midst of all these magical adventures, life in a few hundred square feet can quickly turn from dreamy days in paradise to tense times in tight quarters. Whether it's a few weeks, months, or a never-ending journey on the road, here are a few tips for maintaining marital bliss in your RV!

1. Carve out weekly date nights

If you're full-timing it (or are gone for longer periods of time), chances are you're mixing lots of adventure into your days. Time can fly by and despite living in close proximity, connecting with your spouse can sometimes take a back-seat to said adventures and daily work responsibilities.

Get ahead of the chaos and plan out a specific date each week where conversation sits front and center. It doesn't need to be anything fancy, and for us, it usually meant cooking dinner together and sipping wine by the fire. Those nights brought us closer, helped us connect on a deeper level, and ensured we were both happy and on the same page. (Read other creative date ideas here).

Brittany and Jordan sitting in camp chairs next to the water

2. Prioritize travel plans

One of the bigger challenges of RVing is all the logistics that come into play. Rather than continuously posing the, "So where are we sleeping tonight?" or "How far to the next station with diesel fuel?" questions, set aside time to plan your travel well in advance. It's great to leave some room for spontaneity (which is certainly recommended!), but locking in some plans can alleviate stress and make for a happier couple.

3. Socialize with friends

Socializing with others is huge! Even the most compatible people can use a little variety of conversations, so connecting and spending time with others on the road is great. That might mean crashing in the driveways of old friends, or maybe even meeting some new ones. But, in person hangouts should be a common part of RV travel. We routinely dropped-in on friends scattered across the country, again making for great group chats around the fire (not to mention bumming a use of their washer/dryer)! And many a friend is to be made around a campground fire.

4. Create space for one another

We love doing things together, but also enjoy our own activities too. I'm a big golfer, so for me that typically means spending a few days each week out and about, exploring the best courses in town. Embrace your individual hobbies, and those hours apart will make you appreciate all your time together even more.

Brittany standing with dog in front of View

5. Respect the living quarters

When you're sharing tight living quarters, even a few out of place items can quickly make the space feel cluttered. Staying organized and tidy helps to keep everyone feeling good. Also, utilizing outdoor space in times of good weather helps to create separation throughout the day.

And if all else fails, I tend to fall back on the ever-popular advice: "Happy wife, happy life." Sage advice, indeed, especially when traveling by RV!


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User commented on October 18, 2021 12:21 PM
User commented on October 18, 2021 12:21 PM
User commented on October 18, 2021 12:31 PM
User commented on October 18, 2021 12:32 PM