First Edition
I distinctly remember how nervous I was heading back to our newly rented RV storage garage with our 2013 Navion on a late afternoon in early October. Thirty miles behind me was our dealer along with six months of planning, ruminating and worrying about our choice to dive head first into RV life. While my wife Terry and I had vague expectations of what might lie ahead, not even with my fertile imagination could I have contemplated the future arc of 14 months that lie ahead.
Staring out from our loft in downtown Denver, I can now look back over those months which included 27,000 miles of travel throughout the US and Canada of which nearly six months of those were spent on the road. To chronicle our adventures for our family and friends I created a web site (www.tiretreks.com) that slowly grew with stories, photos and videos of our travels.
I had never owned a motorhome before, but when I started college my father, who was a traveling salesman, bought his first motorhome. In twenty years my mom and dad put nearly 300,000 miles on two rigs as they criss-crossed the Rocky Mountain west working the sample lines with customers. The thought of owning a motorhome hadn't really occurred to me until two things happened. The first was that rash of motorhome buying broke out in the cul-de-sac. Several of our neighbors rumbled up the street with their new big diesel pushers. Wow. This sure wasn't my father's RV.
The second event was our decision to sell our home in the Vail Valley of twenty years and move back to the city to our then second home loft. But what about enjoying our beloved Rockies in the summer? Instead of buying another mountain property we opted for a petite Navion that would afford us different morning and evening views throughout Colorado -- and many other destinations.
But for all the great travel experiences we've had over these 14 months, I never would have imagined that I'd come to know the Winnebago family and have the opportunity to share the excitement of our own Winnebago Life with you every month. It's going to be a fun ride.
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