Map Out Your Owner Meetups with this New Interactive Resource
Map Out Your Owner Meetups with this New Interactive Resource
Enrich your travels by finding owner events on your route!
By: GoLife Staff
Our owners love coming together, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to find events to do just that! Last year, we launched a printer-friendly version of the 2024 Winnebago Owner-Organized Meetups calendar, available on the GoLife Community page on the Winnebago website. This year, we’re sharing an owner-created option that’s interactive and will enable you to find meetups aligned with the where and when of your adventuring plans.
Winnebago Ambassador Kathleen Hanson began prototyping a meetup map last year, sharing it with owners (at meetups, of course!) for their input. After a few rounds of updates, the map is now ready to roll. The map allows owners to view all 2024 owner-organized events or choose maps featuring events from location-specific groups, special interest groups, and RV type (like Towables and Class A, B, and C). Kathleen is also testing a few model-specific maps, including a Winnebago Travato events map and Winnebago EKKO events map.
Click here to view the interactive map and FAQs.

For easy access to the map, consider saving the link for your favorite map(s) on any of your devices. The map will be updated each time new events are added to the main calendar. If you or your group have an event you’d like more Winnebago owners to know about, share the details using our online submission form.
Kathleen’s passion for bringing people together and her skills at creating resources for Winnebago owners were the perfect combination to develop this tool that helps Winnebago owners connect. As Kathleen put it, “I hope this makes it easier for Winnebago owners to find meetups that fit their travel plans, and all the associated fun and friendships. The friends I personally have made at meetups are priceless, and I love paying-it-forward!”

We’re excited to share this valuable owner-created resource with our community and hope it helps more of our owners find and attend the many meetups happening within our GoLife Community groups. If you have any questions about the maps, send an email to Kathleen at [email protected] or the GoLife Community team at [email protected].
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